
Diamond-Based Quantum Bio-Sensing: Seeing Inside Single Cells

PhD and Postdoctoral positions will open in Spring 2019 on different projects related to molecular cavity optomechanics, ultrafast quantum state manipulation in THz-frequency oscillators, and THz to visible wavelength conversion.

Details of the openings can be found at:

The International Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (IIP-UFRN) is expecting to fill two post-doctoral research positions in the fields of theoretical Quantum Information, Quantum Causality and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. One of the positions will be funded by IIP-UFRN while the other position is part of the project "Q-CAUSAL – Causality in the quantum world: harnessing quantum effects in causal inference problems" funded by the Templeton Foundation.

We are currently offering a position on quantum thermodynamics within a newly installed international research network. The successful candidate will work in the research group for quantum information theory led by Jens Eisert at the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems of the Free University of Berlin. The position is part of an exciting DFG-funded network dedicated to realizing "thermal machines in the quantum world", thermodynamic devices that are based on quantum mechanisms in their functioning.

Place of work: Department of Optics, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Work load: 1,0 (full-time, 40 h per week)
Start of job: February 1, 2019
Duration of the contract: 30 months



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