Submitted by
Lhm78 on Wed, 05/02/2014 - 21:17.
A suitably qualified and experienced individual is required to carry out research on experimental Atomic Physics and Ultracold Bose Fermi mixtures. The research is part <!--break-->
of a project investigating transport and localisation in ultracold quantum gases, especially a caesium BEC with lithium impurities. Candidates must have a PhD in physics <!--break-->
and experience with experimental manipulation of ultracold atomic gases, atomic physics and quantum optics. They should be confident, have good communication skills <!--break-->
Submitted by
Csimon on Wed, 29/01/2014 - 23:20.
I am looking for postdoc candidates who are interested in joining my
theoretical quantum optics group at the University of Calgary.
Our research interests are briefly described below. My group
is part of the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology at the
University of Calgary, which encompasses several excellent
experimental and theoretical groups (see,
guaranteeing a rich and stimulating research environment.
Submitted by
QuantWP on Wed, 29/01/2014 - 16:35.
We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with interest in one or more areas pursued by the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST, Ulm University (
Submitted by
Gettrick on Wed, 29/01/2014 - 13:18.
Submitted by
Demko on Tue, 07/01/2014 - 11:08.
The Department of Quantum Optics and Atomic Physics at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on a project in the area of theoretical quantum information with a special focus on quantum metrology.