PhD in Satellite Quantum Key Distribution and Communication

Secure quantum communication over long distances may be enabled by the development of satellite platforms for the distribution of quantum states and entanglement from space. The Chinese satellite Micius has demonstrated the technical feasibility of satellite quantum communication and there are many international efforts to achieve similar capability. Quantum Key Distribution is the prime application but such space systems may be able to support new and novel protocols even more challenging to perform with terrestrial fibre networks.

This project will look at providing the theoretical underpinnings to support the ongoing development of space quantum communication technologies and their applications. It will investigate the development, analysis, and optimisation of space-based quantum communication and key distribution protocols.

The candidate should have a background in quantum information theory or related subjects and possess strong analytic and numerical skills. Computational modelling experience is advantageous. The candidate will work closely with experimentalists and engineers hence should have the ability to effectively work and communicate across disciplines.

The student will join the Computational Nonlinear and Quantum Optics group within the Optics Division of the Department of Physics at Strathclyde. The project will interface with ongoing efforts towards launch of a satellite quantum communication in-orbit demonstration mission.

Funding Notes
Scholarships (fees and stipend) available on a competitive basis for UK/EU students, please contact supervisor for details (

"CubeSat quantum communications mission"
"Nanosatellites for quantum science and technology"
"Nanosatellite experiments to enable future space-based QKD missions"
"Generation and Analysis of Correlated Pairs of Photons aboard a Nanosatellite"