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Research Associate positions in Quantum Nanophotonics and Metamaterials at the University of Naples "Federico II", Naples, ITALY with a 3-year contract and competitive compensation (Italian job title: "Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo A").
Qualifications and Skills
Education: A Ph.D. in Physics or Electrical Engineering is required.
Expertise: Proficiency in electrodynamics and quantum optics is essential
Submitted by
ggiedke on Fri, 05/04/2024 - 12:19.
Monday, July 22, 2024 to Thursday, July 25, 2024
Advances in the understanding and control of the quantum properties of matter and in nanofabrication are laying the groundwork for revolutionary new technologies and information processing capabilities.
Experimental Physicist for Quantum Computing and Networking Research Scientist - 101336
Division: SN-Scientific Networking
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s (LBNL, https://www.lbl.gov/) Scientific Networking Division has an opening for an Experimental Physicist for Quantum Computing and Networking Research Scientist to join the team.
I am happy to announce an opening for a 15-month postdoc at the university of Bologna on a project in collaboration with the Italian company Fincantieri (https://www.fincantieri.com/en/) on numerical simulations of quantum algorithms for the Navier-Stokes equations.
The Chair for Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Physics at the Theoretical Physics Laboratory (CPHT) of Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, is opening a call for 1 Postdoctoral fellow at the interface between Machine Learning, Classical Simulation of Many-Body Quantum Systems and Quantum Computing.
Application deadline:
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Center for Theoretical Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences (CTP PAS) will be opening a fully funded PhD position within the doctoral school Warsaw4PhD, with a start date of October 1st, 2024. We will be looking for a candidate to join the project "Studies of Spectrum Broadcast Structures in Quantum Open Systems Models", carried on at CTP and financed by National Science Center (NCN). The principal investigator is dr Jarek Korbicz. The project combines modern open quantum systems theory, quantum information, and foundations of quantum mechanics.
Submitted by
sbarz on Wed, 03/04/2024 - 15:13.
4 PhD and postdoc positions available:
1. Postdoc position: Integrated photonic technologies for quantum computing
> Design integrated photonic circuits to build a photonic quantum processor
2. PhD position: Integrated photonic technologies for quantum computing
> Design integrated photonic circuits to build a photonic quantum processor
We are currently looking for a PhD candidate to work in quantum information theory. The primary focus of this role is to contribute to an externally funded project about photonic quantum state generation and quantum non-locality.
Submitted by
pgora on Tue, 02/04/2024 - 21:14.
Quantiki advertisement
The group of Prof. Yoichi Ando in the Physics Institute II of the University of Cologne is trying to elucidate the non-Abelian nature of the Majorana zero modes generated in a topological insulator (TI) platform and to build a Majorana qubit. The successful candidate will work on TI-superconductor hybrid devices to understand the mesoscopic topological superconductivity realized in such a platform, to detect and manipulate the emergent Majorana zero modes, and to read out the results of manipulation via charge-parity measurements.