PhD scholarship in quantum optics and quantum information theory

Application deadline: 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Research group: 

Job type: 


We are currently looking for a PhD candidate to work in quantum information theory. The primary focus of this role is to contribute to an externally funded project about photonic quantum state generation and quantum non-locality.

This project includes analytic theory, coding, and simulations in quantum optics and quantum information. Success in this role requires collaboration with an immediate team consisting of Dr Travis Baker, Dr Nora Tischler, and Prof Howard Wiseman; further collaborations are also likely with an extended network of physicists in Australia and across the world.

As part of this project, there will be opportunities to travel to conferences, and to undertake a research stay in the USA.

The PhD will be based at Griffith University’s Nathan Campus in Brisbane.

Prior experience in any of the following areas is desired, but not necessary: semi-definite programming, algebraic geometry, matrix-product states, linear optical circuits.