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This lecture series is part of QIC 890/891 held at the University of Waterloo, Spring 2011 and organized by Michele Mosca. We will present our variant of the graphical notation of Penrose, tailored to describe networks of connected tensors representing quantum states, operators and processes, and as a uniting tool for the notation and language of quantum theory, information science and condensed matter physics.

Submission deadline: 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Registration deadline: 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The AQIS’12 conference will focus on quantum information science and technology, a new interdisciplinary field bridging quantum physics, computer science, mathematics, and information technologies.AQIS’12 will be a natural successor of EQIS’01-EQIS’05 and AQIS’06- AQIS’11. AQIS’12 will consist of invited talks, selected presentations, posters, and other activities.

Quantum Information Faculty

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics invites applications from scientists working in the field of theoretical Quantum Information to apply for tenure-track or tenured faculty positions. We are seeking both established scientists who are international leaders in the field and young scientists who show exceptional promise of becoming leaders.

Perimeter Institute is currently in the midst of a substantial expansion of our faculty. Recent hires include Guifre Vidal and Xiao-Gang Wen.

Quantum Information Processing is an emerging science. Although it is often characterized as dealing with information processing or computation, its remit covers essentially any physical process in the universe. The supervisors currently work on a diverse range of topics, from quantum technology such as methods to improve the storage and readout of ordinary information on CDs or DVDs, to foundational questions in physics, such as better understanding black holes.

The Physics Department, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) invites applications for one full-time, tenure-track, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, starting August 16, 2012.


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