Application deadline:
Employer web page:
Job type:
There are different deadlines for each of the positions
- Cutting-edge interdisciplinary research (physics/chemistry/software development)
- 3-year full-time employment for PhD students with a salary of up to € 4,500/month (subject to country and family status modifiers).
- Unique PhD programme.
- Several European institutions to choose from.
- Secondments in leading NMR institutions in the world including private enterprises.
We are pleased to announce openings for PhD students at the institutions joined within the EU funded Innovative Training Network – Zero and Ultra-Low Fields Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The employment is fully funded for 3 years. The goal of the project is to train a group of young researchers that would be able to address challenges in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), particularly under the conditions of ultra-low or truly zero magnetic fields.
ZULF focuses on connecting NMR J-spectroscopy, NMR hyperpolarization, ultra-precise and small-scale magnetometry to take the technique to the next level. Sub-projects include spectrometer development, single-molecule detection, analytical chemistry, medical contrast agent imaging and the search for exotic-physics.
For a summary of the remuneration scheme consult 5.1-3 of Guide for applicants. The employment is combined with participation in an enhanced PhD programme unavailable at any university course that includes secondments at 12 leading industry and research institutions from seven European countries and two from the United States.
Open positions:
- Parahydrogen-Induced Hyperpolarization; prof. Malcolm H. Levitt, University of Southampton (Southampton, United Kingdom).
- Fundamental and practical applications of ZULF NMR; prof. Szymon Pustelny, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Krakow, Poland).
- Portable ZULF spectrometer; prof. Szymon Pustelny, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Krakow, Poland).
- ZULF NMR of molecules oriented in electric fields; prof. Dmitry Budker, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität (Mainz, Germany).
- ZULF NMR of confined molecules and investigation of slow molecular dynamics; prof. Dmitry Budker, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität (Mainz, Germany).
- Nanoscale NMR with high resolution; prof. Fedor Jelezko, Ulm Universität (Ulm, Germany).
- PHIP-based ZULF NMR; prof. Simon Duckett, University of York (York, United Kingdom).
- Liquids in multi-phase materials; prof. Lynn Gladden, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, United Kingdom). Deadline extended
- Hyperpolarization of nuclear spins with NV centres in diamond; prof. Angelo Bifone, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Rovereto (Trento), Italy).
- PHIP-SAH and ultra-low field cycling; prof. Silvio Aime, Università degli Studi di Torino (Torino, Italy).
To be eligible, a candidate needs to fulfil the following criteria:
- Early Stage Researcher – you have to be in the first four years of research career (pure research, not as e.g. technical staff), and you cannot have a PhD.
- Mobility rule – your chosen institution has to be in a country in which you had not spent more than 12 months between Oct. 1, 2015 and Oct. 1, 2018, doing your ‘main activity’ – that is work or study. Short holiday visits and military service or similar mandatory stays are excluded.
- You have to be eligible for your chosen institution’s PhD programme. This usually means that you must have a master’s degree or equivalent and be proficient in English. Refer to specific job offers for details.
- Master Degree or equivalent in Physics or Chemistry
- Excellent command of English language
Various for different positions but in general:
- Solid and broad education in modern physics or chemistry.
- High level of motivation.
- Good organizational skills and ability to structure own work.
- Ability to work in a team and keep tight deadlines.
- Some level of programming and computer modelling experience would be beneficial.