Junior Group Leader Position in Theoretical Quantum Physics at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Innsbruck

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Job type: 

We are searching for an outstanding young scientist in theoretical quantum physics. Successful candidates are expected to establish vigorous research programs and to collaborate closely with research groups in quantum physics at IQOQI and the University of Innsbruck, as well as to broaden or complement the existing research activities. All candidates should have a PhD and post-doctoral research experience at a university or comparable research institution. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

We offer:
**A full time employment (40h/week), which is valid for a period of five years, including career development options, such as the opportunity of extension for a further period of up to one year. At the end of the contract the candidate has the right to an evaluation. Upon successful evaluation and approval of the Austrian Academy of Sciences there is the possibility for promotion to a tenured Group Leader position.
**Negotiable start-up fund for additional positions at PhD and/or PostDoc level, competitive with top-level start-up packages of international career development programs.
**A minimum annual gross salary of € 57.121,40, according to the collective agreement of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Depending on qualification and experience the salary can be negotiated.

The application should contain:
1) an academic curriculum vitae
2) a letter of motivation and long-term career plan
3) a brief description of research interests and research results & short outline of research plans for the next five years
a list of publications
4) three key publications judged by the applicant to be particularly relevant for the advertised position, together with a statement explaining their relevance for the development of the research area
5) proof of academic success (PhD certificate and other relevant certificates and credentials)
6) three letters of recommendation

The Austrian Academy of Sciences values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.

Applicants are invited to send their application documents via e-mail as pdf attachments to the managing director of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Zoller, at elisabeth.huck@oeaw.ac.at with the reference “application for Junior Group Leader Position at IQOQI Innsbruck”.

Deadline for applications is January 15th 2019.