Application deadline:
Research group:
Employer web page:
Job type:
Open PhD and Postdoc positions in the Levy group.
Positions are open until filled.
PhD positions:
There are open PhD positions (theoretical research) in the fields of quantum control theories, quantum thermodynamics, open quantum systems, and Chirality-induced spin selectivity in quantum transport. The successful candidate must hold a physics, chemistry, mathematics, or related field degree. Candidates are expected to have both analytical and basic programming skills.
The position is fully funded for four years. All gender candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information please contact us via email or by filling out the form on the website (Contact). Please send a CV and cover letter with the names of two potential references (letters not required at this point).
Postdoc positions:
Postdoctoral positions are available in the fields of quantum control theories, quantum thermodynamics, open quantum systems, Chirality-induced spin selectivity in quantum transport, and related fields. Applicants will hold (or be about to obtain) a PhD in theoretical physics or physical-chemistry and specialize in one of the following fields: theoretical quantum optics, foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum information, open-system dynamics, quantum thermodynamics, quantum control theories, quantum transport, or related fields.
The position is fully funded for one year with the possibility to extend for two additional years. All gender candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information please contact us via email or by filling out the form on the website (Contact). Please send a CV and cover letter with the names of three potential references (letters not required at this point).
Positions are open until filled. Hurray to submit the application.