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Job type:
- Coherent energy transport in molecular systems, oriented towards clean energy applications
- Coherent information manipulation using molecules, oriented towards quantum computing
Apply at your earliest convenience!
Research will take place in close collaboration with the ERC Consolidator Grant “A Chemical Approach to Molecular Spin Qubits: Decoherence and Organisation of Rare Earth Single Ion Magnets”, access to full scientific details here.
Summary: PhD position at the ICMol (University of Valencia) within the Excellence Program “Maria de Maeztu” of the Spanish government. The PhD project seeks to exploit quantum effects (coherence) to communicate molecular qubits through supramolecular wires, which are able to transport energy very efficiently in a coherent regime. The project has remarkable multidisciplinary character and combines the fields of molecular electronics and spintronics.
Conditions: Three-year full time contract (extendable for a fourth year) including social security coverage. Gross salary around 16.400 € / year (standard PhD salary for Spanish national programs).
Eligibility criteria: At the time of recruitment, candidates must:
- hold the studies required to enroll in a PhD program (for instance, a MSc degree)
- present an excellent academic record in Chemistry or Physics
- have developed a feasible work plan, in close collaboration with their future supervisors, see below
Interest in programming and scripting is desired. Open mind and motivated students for working at the frontline and challenging research project is necessary. Fluent English (oral and written) is highly appreciated. Additionally, research publications and/or an excellent Master Thesis (or Bachelor's Thesis) will be highly valued.
Starting date: April 1st, 2018 (flexible dates: in exceptional cases, contracts can be set up from as early as December 2017 or as late as July 2018).
Contact: Interested candidates should contact Dr. Alejandro Gaita ( and Dr. Juan Aragó ( Candidates should include their Curriculum Vitae, two or three reference letters and transcripts of the academic records.