Application deadline:
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Job type:
In the process of setting up a new quantum optics theory group, I am searching for outstanding PhD students to work on the following topics
- Quantum simulation with quantum optics setups, in particular of lattice gauge theories
- Design of protocols for measuring entanglement in cold quantum gases
- Theory of quantum many-body systems (non-equilibrium dynamics, periodically driven systems, exotic quantum phases, characterization through entanglement)
The positions will be embedded into the vibrant research environment of the Synthetic Quantum Systems (SynQS) effort and the Markus Oberthaler group at the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics. They will also strongly benefit from close interactions with the Institute for Theoretical Physics as well as the recently started German Collaborative Research Center SFB 1225 ISOQUANT. The research will be carried out in collaboration with leading experimental and theoretical groups at Heidelberg and worldwide.
Successful candidates are expected to have a high enthusiasm for the above research topics, and to bring a solid background in one or more of the following:
theoretical quantum optics, AMO physics, quantum information and entanglement theory, condensed-matter theory, quantum many-body physics.
For outstanding candidates, Heidelberg University offers the opportunity of the 4+4 program, where students can start a four-year PhD thesis directly after their fourth year of undergraduate studies.
The positions will be E13/2, with a starting date as soon as possible.
Interested candidates please contact me at
Please include your CV and any further relevant information about your academic career.
More information about my newfound group, SynQS at the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, the Institute for Theoretical Physics, and the SFB ISOQUANT may be found here