condensed matter theory

Applicants are invited to join the condensed matter theory group to explore the use of near-term quantum computers in the study of quantum many-body physics.

In the process of setting up a new quantum optics theory group, I am searching for outstanding PhD students to work on the following topics
- Quantum simulation with quantum optics setups, in particular of lattice gauge theories
- Design of protocols for measuring entanglement in cold quantum gases
- Theory of quantum many-body systems (non-equilibrium dynamics, periodically driven systems, exotic quantum phases, characterization through entanglement)

Applications from Indian nationals are invited for the position of a Research Associate (initially for 1 year, extendable upto 3 years based on performance) under the project “Topology, quantum computation and spintronics with Dirac materials” in the School of Physical Sciences, NISER funded by DST Nanomisssion, Govt. of India.
Qualification - Candidate should have Ph.D degree in Physics (or, should have submitted the thesis), preferably in theory. Fellowship: Rs.24,000+HRA (as per DST norms) per month. Age: Maximum 35 years.

Please note the unusual starting time of 10pm UK time due to the speaker being in Australia.

Date/time: Mon. 27th May 2013 3pm BST (UTC+1)
Speaker: David Poulin (University of Sherbrooke)
Title: Tradeoffs Between Thermal and Quantum Fluctuations in 2D Quantum Memories


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