Research Associate / Fellow (2 years) at University of Nottingham

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Research group: 

Job type: 


Applicants are invited to join the condensed matter theory group to explore the use of near-term quantum computers in the study of quantum many-body physics.

The project aims to develop new methods, using quantum computers, to study many-body physics beyond the access of current analytical and numerical methods. The successful candidate will develop quantum algorithms for approximating physically relevant many-body states (e.g., ground states) and simulating non-equilibrium dynamics. Other possible research directions include the analysis of optimisation methods in variational quantum algorithms and related applications in machine learning. This project will be approached with a range of analytical and numerical techniques, and will ideally include the programming of cloud-based quantum computers.

The successful candidate will work closely with Dr Adam Smith but will also be encouraged to actively contribute to the research activities of the condensed matter theory group at the School of Physics and Astronomy.

Candidates should have, or be close to completing, a PhD in a discipline relevant to theoretical many-body physics and/or quantum computing. Experience with analytic or numerical treatment of quantum many-body systems is essential. Experience with quantum computing/information is not essential but desirable.

The post is available from 01 July 2022 and will be offered on a fixed term contract until 30 June 2024. The post is full time, but job share arrangements may be considered.

Informal enquiries may be addressed Dr Adam Smith (email: Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted. Candidates should apply at