PhD positions on quantum technology with spin qubits

Application deadline: 

Friday, December 31, 2021

Research group: 

Job type: 

Several PhD positions are available at Heriot-Watt University on different aspects related to quantum technology with spin qubits:

(1) Sequential Bayesian estimation and machine learning for quantum sensing
Recent breakthroughs have demonstrating the capability of quantum sensors for measuring magnetic fields, temperature and electric field at the nanoscale. The deployment of these techniques are, however, limited by long signal acquisition times.
In this project, we will use real-time adaptation of experimental parameters and machine learning to optimise quantum measurements to the ultimate limits. Our long-term goal is to develop AI-powered algorithms to design optimal adaptive control sequences and system identification tools (for example to detect single nuclear spins in nanoscale magnetic resonance).
This work will be carried out in collaboration with the quantum theory group of Dr Erik Gauger and the signal processing group of Dr Yoann Altmann. We can accommodate projects with different levels of mixing between theory/numerical and experiments – however, proficiency in coding is a prerequisite in all cases.

(2) Quantum sensing of complex quantum materials
Our group has recently been awarded a >£2M grant to establish a Quantum Magnetometry facility that will utilise a single electronic spin to measure magnetic fields with nanoscale spatial resolution at ultra-low temperatures (mK range). This is a quite unique facility worldwide, which will open the way to the investigation of quantum correlated states in 2D heterostructures, exotic magnetic textures, unconventional superconductivity. We are looking for a PhD student to join this project and contribute both to establishing the facility and to use it to carry out exciting science! This work will be carried out in collaboration with Prof Brian Gerardot.

How to apply If interested, please contact Cristian Bonato ( as soon as possible.