Quantum Information Theory + High Energy Physics

Application deadline: 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Job type: 


PhD position at the University of Vienna: Quantum Information Theory + High Energy Physics

In 1964, the physicist John St. Bell initiated a new research field by studying quantum mechanics closer. Until today, many interesting and fruitful directions have emerged and even the first applications are on the market. In a different field, in particle physics, experiments are achieving ever higher precision such that the borderline of known physics will be reached. The project combines both fields and its aim is to tackle some of the most fundamental questions of quantum mechanics and to relate them to the most fundamental questions in particle physics. The goal will be to develop new theoretical proposals testing the very foundations of quantum mechanics for systems studied at various accelerator facilities.

Candidates should have a strong background in quantum mechanics, a basic background in particle physics and a strong interest in alternative theories to quantum mechanics such as collapse models. Moreover, the candidates should be prepared to undertake longer calculations involving higher mathematical tools.
Interested candidates should send a full CV including a short statement of research interests and certificates to Beatrix.Hiesmayr@univie.ac.at with the subject ``PhD in QM&HEP 2014’’. Please, instruct at least two seniors to send a reference letter directly to the above email address with subject `` PhD in QM&HEP 2014: NAME OF APPLICANT’’. Deadline is the 18th of May 2014. Later applications will be considered in case the position has not been filled. Starting date is flexible but preferable before the end of September 2014. The payment will be given by the standard of the Austrian Science Fund (http://www.fwf.ac.at/de/projects/personalkostensaetze.html).