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My group explanation is written in the following. The tentative website is
Honestly speaking, I am looking for the ultimate goal on my research career. The Nature knows many interesting problems but unfortunately we have not yet analyzed for any physical systems. Therefore, I have to make "new" and "interesting" problems inside the Nature. Now, I am continuing the following projects;
1. Quantum Measurement in Quantum Field Theory
How should we understand the Young's double experiment for the single particle from the viewpoint of quantum field theory?
The scattering matrix is only measurable?
2. Weak value initiated by Yakir Aharonov is useful? (continuing from Ph.D. thesis work)
Relationship to the weak measurement
Relationship to the measurement outcome
Reconstruction of standard quantum mechanics
What are the applications?
3. How should we understand the non-equilibrium and open dissipative systems?
3-1. Axiomatic approach: reconstruction of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
Key idea came from Leon Brilloiun: to connect any physical systems to informational/operational contexts
3-2. Axiomatic approach: reconsideration of axiom of thermodynamics from mathematical physics (stochastic approach)
What condition is the equilibrium state?
Time and space scales should be included in?
3-3. Pragmatic approach: to collaborate any systems with the experimental guys
Exciton-polariton condensation on the two dimensional semiconductor system with the micro cavity
Fast phenomena in quantum dots
4. Quantum dynamics toy model: Quantum walks (continuing from Ph.D. thesis work)
What are the applications?
How to implement it?
5. Other interesting projects!! Welcome to me.
The common concept is to understand the time or dynamical features in the Nature. When you are interested in my group in IMS or other groups in IMS. Please contact me,