quantum algorithm

We are offering a PhD position at the Quantum Systems of Informatics Group at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences. We are seeking a motivated candidate with a background in quantum physics, quantum information theory, computing theory, or discrete mathematics. The position is founded within the scope of Polish National Science Centre project Impact of input data alteration and modification of the algorithm parameters on the efficiency of quantum programs.

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the group of Andris Ambainis at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia. Our research group is interested in the following research topics:
- quantum algorithms and complexity theory;
- quantum communication, quantum information theory and cryptography;
- connections between quantum computing and classical computer science (using ideas from quantum information to solve classical problems);
- using ideas from quantum information to study physical systems.

PhD research studentship in Controlled Quantum Dynamics and Circuit QED
Department of Physics, University of Surrey

The Advanced Technology Institute at the University of Surrey consists of approximately 50 researchers working on topics including III-V and silicon based light emitters and detectors, light-matter interaction in microstructured photonic materials, quantum computing with superconducting qubits, spintronics, and energy efficient photonic devices. The institute benefits from strong interaction between experimental and theoretical activities.

The Institute for Quantum Computing is inviting applications for postdoctoral positions in all aspects of quantum information processing, bridging areas from fundamental theory to physical implementations.


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