Postdoctoral position in theory of quantum computing

Application deadline: 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Job type: 


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the group of Andris Ambainis at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia. Our research group is interested in the following research topics:
- quantum algorithms and complexity theory;
- quantum communication, quantum information theory and cryptography;
- connections between quantum computing and classical computer science (using ideas from quantum information to solve classical problems);
- using ideas from quantum information to study physical systems.

We are looking for candidates with an interest in one or more of these topics. Candidates can be:
- quantum information/quantum computing theorists interested in the topics above or
- classical computer scientists interested in exploring the connections between classical and quantum computer science;

Applicants should send their CV (including contact data of possible references) to Andris Ambainis ( Applications received by February 10, 2014 will receive full consideration; late applications will be considered until the positions are filled. The appointment will be for a period of 2 or 3 years.

The positions will be funded by an Advanced Grant from European Research Council (ERC, Europe's organization for funding top-level scientists) and grants from EU's Future and Emerging Technologies program.