Submitted by
neilz on Wed, 14/03/2018 - 23:09.
Postdoc Opportunity at NIST:
Nanoplasmonics and Quantum Simulation in Single-Atom Devices
NIST (a government research lab located in Maryland, USA) has a program in researching single-atom devices. These devices, when operated at low temperatures, give us the remarkable ability to monitor or control the motion of single electrons. Among the goals of our research are to develop charge and spin qubits for use in quantum computing.
At this time we have two projects:
Submitted by
omid.faizy on Sun, 11/03/2018 - 23:21.
2nd International workshop on New Trends in Molecular Electronics and Mechanics
29 Sept 2018 - 1st Oct 2018
School of Nano Science, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran, Iran
This 3-day workshop on applications of discrete phase space methods in fault-tolerant quantum computing provides a platform for young researchers to present their work while leaving enough opportunities for extended discussions and informal exchange of ideas. The workshop targets equally students entering the field and researchers with a few years of experience.
Submitted by
Navascues on Tue, 06/03/2018 - 14:35.
2017 Paul Ehrenfest Best Paper Award for Quantum Foundations
Call for Award Nomination-deadline on April 30th.
We are seeking applicants for experimental PhD positions to work in the area of circuit QED based quantum simulations at the University of Technology Sydney under the supervision of Dr Nathan Langford. Please register interest by emailing Positions will remain open until filled.
The project is to carry out theoretical research on the physics of trapped Rydberg ions and atoms within the ERyQSenS-consortium (funded through the QuantERA call) which is formed by European experimental and theoretical research group.
Submitted by
John_Goold on Fri, 02/03/2018 - 19:34.
A fully funded PhD position in "Quantum thermodynamics beyond the
Markovian regime" is available for a joint project between the School
of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and the Department of
Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, U.K. The work will be
jointly supervised by Profs. Paul Eastham and John Goold in Trinity
College Dublin, in conjunction with Dr. Brendon Lovett in the
University of St Andrews. The successful candidate must hold by the
Submitted by
ccwlim on Wed, 28/02/2018 - 03:22.
We seek up to two highly motivated, skilled and independent researchers, who will join our quantum information systems group at (NUS ECE and CQT) and proactively contribute to ongoing and upcoming projects in quantum communication and quantum information theory.
Quantum information theory has grown so diverse that it is now impossible to include all its strands in a single event. For this reason, this event will consist of 2 more specialized workshops with a broad conference in between. We encourage participants to stay for both a workshop and the conference.
On the first week (30.07.18- 03.08.18) we will have the "Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information Workshop" with the preliminary list of keynote speakers:
Submitted by
Torades on Tue, 20/02/2018 - 08:29.
Quantum Roundabout is a postgraduate conference whose 3rd edition will be held between the 11th and 13th of July of 2018 at the School of Mathematical Sciences of The University of Nottingham.
This event intends to bring together early career researchers, working at the crossroads between quantum physics and applied mathematics, providing them with an opportunity to network and interact with their peers in related areas, as well as a handful of recognised experts.