Submitted by
Jense on Mon, 09/11/2009 - 15:14.
We are currently offering postdoctoral positions and a PhD position to highly motivated and well-qualified young researchers who intend to enhance their career in the field of quantum information science, quantum many-body theory or quantum optics. The successful candidates will work in the research group for quantum information theory led by Prof. Jens Eisert at the University of Potsdam and the Institute for Advanced Study Berlin in the Berlin-Potsdam metropolitan area.
Submitted by
ablais on Thu, 05/11/2009 - 01:30.
The physics of quantum information group at the department of physics of the Universite de Sherbrooke invites applications for up to three postdoctoral positions. The group is composed of three faculty members, Alexandre Blais, Michel Pioro-Ladrière and David Poulin, whose research interests cover both theoretical and experimental aspects of quantum information science. The successful applicants will be involved in the group’s activities, which includes:
- Experimental realization of spin qubits in various materials (GaAs, SiGe, NV centers,...)
Submitted by
Torades on Thu, 29/10/2009 - 16:49.
Anne McLaren Fellowships 2010
Applications are invited for these prestigious postdoctoral fellowships funded by the University and targeted at excellent women scientists and engineers, under-represented in these subjects, who wish to establish a research career in the UK . The Fellowships will commence in October 2010.
Submitted by
Torades on Thu, 29/10/2009 - 16:43.
Applications are invited for this new Postdoctoral Fellowship competition, funded by the University of Nottingham . The Fellowships are targeted at excellent postdoctoral researchers in any academic area represented at the University. Fellowships are being offered to start in October 2010.
Levitin and Toffoli have published a paper that is best summed up by the final sentence of the abstract: "These results establish the fundamental quantum limit on the rate of operation of any information-processing system". News article here and paper on arXiv here
Submitted by
JMiszczak on Tue, 13/10/2009 - 12:42.
In a paper appearing today in Physical Review Letters, however, MIT researchers present a new algorithm that could bring the same type of efficiency to systems of linear equations — whose solution is crucial to image processing, video processing, signal processing, robot control, weather modeling, genetic analysis and population analysis, to name just a few applications. Read the original paper at ArXiv.
Submitted by
Binosi on Tue, 13/10/2009 - 12:27.
The document which serves as the basis for the consultation is the RESEARCH AGENDA for 2011-2013 drafted by the QUROPE governing board. The document gives a motivation for the field, presents the challenges, explains the impact, lists the disciplines involved and describes the level of maturity of the field as well as the stakeholders.
Submitted by
Burgarth on Fri, 02/10/2009 - 15:43.
Hamish Johnston speculates about possible QI Nobel laureates.
Submitted by
Kbanasz on Tue, 29/09/2009 - 23:02.
The University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, seeks to fill nine research positions supported by the project Photonic implementations of quantum-enhanced technologies starting on 1 January 2010. The project, funded under the TEAM programme operated by the Foundation for Polish Science, will focus on controlling quantum phenomena in photonic systems to enable new modes of information processing and communication.
Submitted by
Msoede on Mon, 28/09/2009 - 23:54.
2010 Postdoc Recruitment
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics invites applications for postdoctoral positions in the areas of quantum gravity, string theory, quantum information, cosmology, quantum foundations and particle physics. We will consider applications in all of these areas. Exceptional applicants in related areas, such as condensed matter physics, are encouraged to apply. The postdoctoral positions are normally for a period of three years. Outstanding candidates may also be considered for a senior postdoctoral position with a five-year term.