The Technische Universität Darmstadt invites applications for a University professorship (W3) in
Theoretical Quantum Technology
at the Department of Physics (Institute for Applied Physics).

Job Code No. 580

We seek to appoint a PostDoc for 24 months starting on March 01, 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. The aim is to develop efficient property testing algorithms for quantum channels.

The research project is a collaboration between the departments of Computer Science and Physics at the University of Warwick and supported by an EPSRC New Horizons project led by Drs. Tom Gur and Animesh Datta.

For informal enquires, email with your CV, explaining your suitability for the position.

About the Centre for Quantum Technologies
The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) is a research centre of excellence in Singapore. It brings together physicists, computer scientists and engineers to do basic research on quantum physics and to build devices based on quantum phenomena. Experts in this new discipline of quantum technologies are applying their discoveries in computing, communications, and sensing.


Wednesday, December 7, 2022 to Saturday, December 10, 2022

Submission deadline: 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Registration deadline: 

Friday, October 7, 2022

We are excited to announce the first International Conference on Quantum non-Markovianity—QuNoMa 2022.

Dates: 7-10 Dec 2022. The conference will start on Wednesday afternoon and end on Saturday at noon.
Venue: Rydges, Newcastle, NSW Australia, or online
Organisers: Dr Christina Giarmatzi (UTS), Dr Fabio Costa (UQ), A/Prof Alexei Gilchrist (MQ) and Prof. Kavan Modi (Monash).

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Researcher in experimental quantum optics at IIIQT based at Sogang University in the group of Prof. Wonmin Son ( The selected researcher will also collaborate with the University of Oxford where he or she may be sent on secondment visits. The post is available initially for a fixed-term duration of 24 months, with the possibility of extension subject to funding.

The Institute of Computer Engineering (ZITI) at Heidelberg University invites applications for a

Junior Professorship (W1) in Applied Quantum Computing

at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences. This is a non-tenure-track W1 position for young scientists with a strong track-record after the doctorate. The position is limited to 6 years.


Monday, October 17, 2022 to Friday, October 21, 2022

The third workshop on Quantum Information, Computation, and Foundations 2022 (QICF22) will focus on device independent quantum information processing, quantum resource theories, quantum statistical comparison, quantum combs, quantum designs, the geometry of the state space, foundations of quantum theory, quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum computational complexity, quantum cryptography, and other related topics.


The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

is a dynamic and growing graduate university in Japan.
We are inviting applications for tenure-track and tenured faculty positions in the following areas:

* Quantum Information Science and Quantum Technology
* Applied Cryptography and Cyber Security

OIST is actively seeking applications from women and underrepresented groups.

The QInfo Inria team in Lyon/Grenoble is inviting applications for postdoctoral researcher positions as well as PhD positions in quantum information theory and related areas, in particular mathematical optimization.

The current faculty members of QInfo include Alastair Abbott, Guillaume Aubrun, Omar Fawzi, Daniel Stilck França and Mischa Woods. The team webpage contains more details on the activities of the team.

In the context of the NEASQC project, a 18 months postdoc position is available at Loria in quantum computing.

The NEASQC project aims at developing practical use cases for the NISQ (Noise Intermediate-Scale Quantum) devices that will be available in the near future.

The Mocqua team at Loria and Inria Nancy Grand Est is involved in this project though quantum optimization algorithms (typically QAOA) for smart
charging, involving diagrammatical methods to optimize circuits.


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