
Applications are invited for several Postdoctoral Research Associate positions in Quantum Information and Computation at the Department of Mathematics of the Technical University of Munich, Germany.

Applicants should

• be mathematicians, theoretical physicists and/or computer scientists

• have a strong background and special interest in theoretical aspects of quantum information
processing/quantum computing

• be willing to contribute to undergraduate math education.

The group of Miguel Navascués at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna (IQOQI-Vienna) is opening two postdoc positions of two years each. The Navascués group works in the interplay between quantum information theory and quantum foundations. Some of the group’s current research directions are the certification of global properties in many-body quantum systems, the realizability of universal devices for time translation and the automated generation of quantum adaptive protocols, see the group’s site for details.

A Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) position is available in the Quantum Communications Hub in experimental Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution (CV-QKD) systems at the University of York, UK. Please see the link below for more details:

We are looking for talented and motivated Postdocs to join our Superconducting Quantum Circuits lab ( at the University of Innsbruck and IQOQI Innsbruck in Austria, for a project working on hardware efficient quantum error correction utilizing superconducting qubits coupled to high coherence resonators.

The theoretical division of Quantum Algorithms, directed by Prof. Leandro Aolita, at the Quantum Research Centre (QRC) of the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is seeking highly talented and motivated experienced researchers to fill a vacancy of lead scientist. This is an intermediate position between postdoctoral researcher and director.


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