Submitted by
Uwerf on Thu, 27/01/2022 - 12:43.
In the Theory of Cold Atoms group of Prof. Uwe R. Fischer at Seoul National University, a Postdoc position is open in the field of quantum simulations of curved spacetimes (aka analogue gravity). Previously demonstrated experience in the latter field and its implementations in various systems is required, such as in ultracold dilute quantum gases, ion traps, polariton condensates etc., and is to be documented in published form.
We would like to bring to your attention to an open postdoc position at the University of Valencia (Spain) starting September 2022. The group includes researchers from the theoretical department of our University, and from IFIC (Prof. Armando Perez and Dr. Manuel Gessner), which is a joint University-CSIC institute, as well as collaborators from the Technical University of Valencia (Dr. Carmen G. Almudever and Dr. M.A. Garcia-March).
Submitted by
jmartin on Tue, 25/01/2022 - 08:57.
The research groups of Profs. Thierry Bastin and John Martin are offering a joint theoretical postdoctoral position in the field of quantum entanglement. The research project is encompassed in a large national effort aiming to prepare Belgium for the new era of quantum technologies via the Excellence Of Science (EOS) grant “Creating Highly Entangled Quantum States in the NISQ era” (CHEQS). See for more information on the grant.
Submitted by
saenz on Mon, 24/01/2022 - 22:36.
A postdoc position Quantum-computer algorithms on NISQ devices within the newly founded Einstein Research Unit (ERU) Perspectives of a quantum digital transformation is available immediately!