
Open postdoc position in condensed matter simulations at Faculty of information studies in Novo Mesto, Slovenia

The position is in FLAG-ERA project Preparation and characterization of single/few layer antimonene and germanium (2D-Sb&Ge), which is already underway. The project revolves around development of new 2D materials (from one to several atomic layers of thickness) based on antimony and germanium, which have a huge applicative potential. The project’s goal is to understand how to create and use these new materials.

Theoretical / Experimental quantum optics scientist

We are seeking a professional and motivated team player to research and develop integrated advanced quantum optical measurement technologies. You will be part of a cutting-edge research programme that aims to achieve breakthroughs in how we detect, analyse, and simulate single photon signal.


Primary tasks will include:

Applications due 21 April.

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) is a unique English-speaking international graduate only research university, located just outside of Moscow. Established in collaboration with M.I.T., Skoltech hosts internationally leading research activities on quantum science and technology, in particular the theory of quantum computers, condensed matter and quantum enhanced algorithms.

A two-year postdoc position is opened in the group of Prof. Alberto Bramati at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel - Sorbonne Université, Paris, France. The postdoc is funded by the European Project « Photons for Quantum Simulation » (PhoQuS), which has been selected in the framework of the prestigious Quantum Flagship. The PhoQuS project aims to understand and control the physics of advanced photonic quantum fluids. The European consortium includes several experimental and theoretical groups.

The project is to carry out research in the broad field of non-equilibrium quantum and classical many-body systems, including cold atomic gases, quantum optical systems, glassy and driven systems, neural networks and machine learning, and systems at the interface of classical and quantum.

Areas of interest will be the study of the emergence of correlated dynamical states, phase transitions and collective phenomena, and the competition between classical and quantum effects, together with issues of thermalisation and non-ergodicity.


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