
Title Application deadline Job type
Post-doc position in satellite quantum communication 30/06/2019 PostDoc
Modeling silicon-on-insulator quantum bit arrays 31/07/2019 PostDoc
MCQST Junior Researcher START Fellowship 02/06/2019 Fellowship, PostDoc
Postdoc Position at TU Delft 14/05/2019 PostDoc
Postdoctoral Researcher in Integrated Photonic Quantum Systems @ LUH (Germany) 30/11/2020 PostDoc
PhD Positions on Photonic networks for quantum machine learning @ LUH (Germany) 30/11/2020 PhD
PhD Positions: Efficient atom-photon interfaces for QI and quantum computing 25/05/2019 PhD
Group leaders of project “Near-term quantum computers, optimal implementations and applications” 15/06/2019 Professorship
Postdoctoral researcher in Quantum Non-Gaussian Metrology 30/05/2019 PostDoc
Changing the colour of light on the nanoscale 27/05/2019 PhD
Integrated Solid State Quantum Photonics 27/05/2019 PhD
CoQuS Open Call for PhD Fellowships 10/06/2019 Fellowship, PhD
PhD position on theory of superconducting qubits in Germany 15/07/2019 PhD
PhD position on quantum network simulation @QuTech 30/05/2019 PhD
Postdoctoral research fellow | Thermally-Induced Phenomena in Strongly Coupled Quantum Systems 30/05/2019 PostDoc
Postdoctoral research fellow | Nonlinear Quantum Optomechanics and Thermodynamics with Two Oscillators 30/05/2019 PostDoc
PhD position in scalable quantum states and process tomography 31/07/2019 PhD
PhD position in quantum nonlinear optics 31/07/2019 PhD
PhD positions in experimental quantum technologies 30/06/2019 PhD
Associate Lecturer in the Mathematics department at the University of York (fixed term of 2yrs) 25/05/2019 Professorship
