
Title Application deadline Job type
Post doctoral position in integrated quantum photonics 31/01/2018 PostDoc
Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Atomic Physics 12/03/2018 PostDoc
Junior professorship (tenure track) for theoretical quantum optics in Siegen/Germany 21/01/2018 Professorship
postdoc and PhD positions / non-equilibrium dynamics of many-body quantum systems 22/12/2017 PhD, PostDoc
Ph.D. and post-doc positions / quantum sensing of molecules 31/01/2019 PhD, PostDoc
2 PhD positions at the University of Warwick 03/12/2018 PhD
Ph.D. positions in Quantum Information Theory at Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, India 08/12/2017 PhD
PhD position at the Quantum Technology group in Belfast 15/12/2017 PhD
Postdoc in QKD Theory 31/12/2017 PostDoc
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Foundations of Quantum Theory 07/12/2017 PostDoc
Postdoctoral position in Quantum Algorithms at National University of Ireland, Galway 30/11/2017 PostDoc
Postdoctoral position in Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Theory at ICTP/SAIFR (São Paulo) 15/12/2017 Fellowship, PostDoc
Post-doctoral Fellowship at IT, Lisbon, Portugal 09/12/2017 PostDoc
CoQuS Open Call PhD Fellowships 11/12/2017 PhD
Inviting PhD applicants in quantum computing 01/03/2018 PhD
Quantum Computing Postdoctoral Scholar Berkeley, CA 31/01/2018 PostDoc
Postdoctoral position available in Max-Planck Institute Erlangen, Germany 15/12/2017 PostDoc
Postdoctoral position opening in theoretical and computational AMO Physics 01/05/2018 PostDoc
PostDoc position in quantum photonics 28/11/2017 PostDoc
Job Openings / Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University 15/12/2017 PostDoc
