PhD position in theoretical and experimental quantum optics / condensed matter

Application deadline: 

Friday, June 15, 2018

Research group: 

Job type: 


We are looking for a highly motivated and talented PhD student willing to join the QCAT Quantum Technologies Research Group led by Dr. habil. Magdalena Stobinska and her team undertaking the research project entitled “Integrated optics in time-frequency domain: a new versatile platform for quantum technologies”, funded by the Foundation for Polish Science. It aims at research in the field of theoretical condensed matter as well as theoretical and experimental quantum optics. It will be carried out in international collaboration with groups from the University of Oxford (United Kingdom) and the University of Paderborn (Germany), with support from companies: Raith, Airbus Defence and Space, GMV Innovating Solutions, Lambda System and Semicon.

The University of Warsaw, founded in 1816, is the leading higher education establishment in Poland with over 53,000 students and 3,500 teaching and research employees, 20 faculties and 30 centers. The Faculty of Physics is the largest physics and astronomy department in Poland. Experimental and theoretical research has been carried out for almost a century, in close collaboration with outstanding scientists and scientific institutions throughout the world. The Faculty is a well-established centre of excellence in photonics and quantum science with theoretical and experimental research covering quantum optics, ultrafast phenomena, plasmonics, photonic nanostructures, femtochemistry, microoptics, Bose–Einstein condensates, quantum information and quantum memories.

An ideal candidate should possess a MSc degree in physics, preferably with specialization in quantum optics or condensed matter (experience in research on 2D material plasmonics is a plus), should be ambitious and hard-working with high motivation for scientific work and strong will for self-development. A numerical programming practice, good knowledge of mathematical tools (e.g. Matlab or Wolfram Mathematica) and general computer software is a plus. We expect a good practical knowledge of English (B or C level preferred) and ability to travel within the EU and worldwide.

In order to apply for the position, please send the following documents to the email address a copy of the diploma, a recommendation letter from the last supervisor (recommendation letters from other senior scientists are welcome), a scientific curriculum vitae describing education, employment history, previous participation in research projects, collaborations, internships, stipends, conferences, other achievements as well as scientific interests, a list of publications, a motivational letter stating why the candidate is willing to participate in this research project and, optionally, a copy of a document certifying candidate’s knowledge of English.

The recruitment will be carried out by a commission formed from senior scientists from the Faculty as well as representatives of the Foundation for Polish Science:

The PhD student will start in June 2018, will be included in the programme of doctoral studies (3 years) and will receive a stipend of ca. 4500 PLN / 1100 EUR a month.

Please include in your application:
“I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2016, item 922 as amended.”
Please send any inquiries regarding the positions to: E-Mail: