PhD students in quantum optics / condensed matter physics

Application deadline: 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Research group: 

Job type: 


We are looking for two highly motivated and talented Ph.D. students willing to join the international team undertaking National Science Center's "Sonata Bis" research project entitled Employing multiphoton quantum interference for selected quantum information processing tasks. The international project aims at research in the field of theoretical and experimental quantum optics as well as theoretical condensed matter. The research will be carried out in international collaboration. The team is hosted by the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. Promising candidates will be asked to send their documents to the recruitment organized jointly with the Doctoral School (to be announced later).

Institution: Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Project leader: Dr. habil. Magdalena Stobińska

Project title: Employing multiphoton quantum interference for selected quantum information processing tasks

Project duration: 15 April 2020 - 14 April 2025

Project description: The goal of the project is to deepen our understanding of multiphoton quantum interference, especially in the time domain. Quantum interference is one of the most intriguing phenomena in nature and one of the most important resources of quantum technologies. In the case of temporal platform, a train of narrow single-photon pulses undergo dispersion in a nonlinear medium. Individual pulses start to overlap and interfere. We will study this interference towards its applications in quantum computations and quantum simulations of topological materials. This goal is motivated by results obtained in 2019 by Dr. hab. Stobińska and her collaborators. The first is theoretical and experimental investigation of quantum interference of multiphoton Fock states on a beam splitter and demonstration it instantaneously computes a Quantum Fourier–Kravchuk Transform (QKT). This allows one to use this device as an efficient, specialized quantum computer with vast number of applications. The second result is to show that such multiphoton quantum interference enables fast quantum simulations of topological materials, which are characterized by unusual symmetries. These findings constitute starting points for the current project.

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