
The group studies atomic and molecular quantum systems with respect to their interactions on different levels of complexity. Of special importance is the application and extension of modern methods for the manipulation and quantum control to many-body quantum systems, in particular using coherent light. The systems under investigation range from highly excited Rydberg atoms over atomic and molecular quantum gases to molecular aggregates. The group develops technologies for trapping and cooling of neutral atoms as well as quantum-state sensitive diagnostics.

The section on Quantum Physics and Information Technology at the Physics department of DTU (Technical University of Denmark) is headed by Prof. Ulrik Lund Andersen and conducts experimental research into - among other things - optical quantum information technology, quantum sensing with diamond and mechanical oscillators, and nano-optics.

We work on applications of quantum optical techniques to spectroscopy and imaging.

We are an experimental research group located at the University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory. Our primary focus area is Spin-Based Quantum Information Science and Nanoscale Quantum Metrology. For this purpose we are interested in the study and control of spins confined in mesoscopic quantum systems, as well as the interface of spin and photon states.


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