We are expecting to establish a research facility entitled Quantum-Atom Optics (QAO) group as a working part of the Quantum Matter and Quantum Information (QMQI) Group. The main goals are to provide access to researchers, to offer flawless information that helps narrowing theoretical window on the behaviors of the ultra-cold substances and to assist physicists to aim at only what quantum matter, in particular the BEC, may offer.
-Research on Quantum Memory in the context of the DLCZ protocol.
-Currently building up an experimental setup for optic lattice quantum information processing,
quantum simulation and lattice dynamics
Our research program lies at the crossing between quantum information science, quantum optics and nanoscale science. In particular, we are interested in the quantum control of light matter interaction between single photons and atomic ensembles implemented with rare-earth doped solids and cold atomic gases. The goal of the research is to develop the physical resources to implement quantum information networks and quantum repeaters which are required to increase the maximal distance of quantum communication.
Understanding interacting quantum many body system and engineering and exploiting such quantum systems for quantum information purposes or quantum simulations pose some of the most outstanding challenges in quantum physics.
Head: Michael Köhl
Research: ultracold atom-ion collisions, single ions in a Bose-Einstein condensate, quantum information processing
Ion species: Yb+
We study experimentally the quantum interaction of trapped, laser-cooled ions and atoms with laser light, aiming at its application for processing and transmitting quantum information. Particular emphasis is on the interaction between single trapped ions over long distances through optical fields, and on techniques for storing single neutral atoms.
Experimental Physics research group. With the focus on physics with ultracold atoms.
The Queensland Quantum Optics Laboratory led by Dr. Warwick Bowen does research into both fundamental tests of quantum mechanics and advanced quantum technologies with future applications in metrology, communication, and computation. This research is primarily based around optical architectures integrated onto silicon chips and compatible with current-day fiber optic systems.
The SQC group is active in the field of Quantum computing with superconducting devices, in particular phase and flux qubits based on SQUIDs, and in fields related to these topics.
The IFN is an institute of the Italian CNR devoted to the study and fabrication of advanced devices for photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. Nanotechnologies play a prominent role in these research fields. The combined expertise in nanofabrication, materials and photonics creates a synergy able to compete in this very new and challenging field.
A list of recent papers: