
The Trapped Ion Quantum Technologies group led by Markus Hennrich is located at the Department of Physics at Stockholm University. Our main research focus is on using trapped ions for quantum computation, quantum simulation and quantum sensing applications. In particular, we are one of only two groups worldwide that have realised trapped Rydberg ions - a promising technology for speeding up trapped ion quantum computers.

We are a research group in Singapore under the umbrella of the Nanyang Technological University and the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT).
Our research focuses on two main experimental topics:
- Quantum sensors based on atromic systems. These include accelerometers, gravimeters and magnetometers.
- Quantum Circuits. We are exploring superconducting cisruits as well as atomic circuits (atomtronics) with a sepcial focus on quantum computing.

Modern quantum materials, such as unconventional superconductors, quantum spin liquids, and topological semimetals, host a wide variety of emergent states of matter. A grand experimental challenge is to determine the broken symmetries and topological structure of these states. The Modic group combines custom-built thermodynamic probes with state-of-the-art sample preparation to answer these questions.

The first quantum revolution yielded lasers and transistors more than half a century ago. These days, a second quantum revolution is unraveling, yielding new quantum-enhanced technologies for information processing, communications and sensing. The Hosten group is interested in developing new protocols and techniques in the sensing branch of these developments using cold atoms and light.

Quantum systems are fragile, constantly altered and disrupted by their environments. The Higginbotham group investigates electronic devices that are exceptions to this rule, aiming to understand the basic principles of their operations and develop future information-processing technology.


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