The research of the Cold Molecular Ions Group at the University of Basel (Switzerland) is concerned with the preparation and control of cold molecules and molecular ions and their applications. The research of the group is highly interdisciplinary and with relevance to both physics and chemistry.
We are developing a microwave ion trap capable of confining ultra-cold plasmas. The main long-term objective is to cool the electrons so much that they de-localise over several ions in a Coulomb crystal stored in a Paul trap. Such a quantum-mechanical system shall be used as quantum gates in the future. Still, we are mainly interested in interactions of the quasi-free electrons with the external electro/magnetic fields.
Our group explores quantum fluids of light to study emergent many-body phenomena, such as superfluidity or turbulence. Quantum fluids of light can be experimentally realized within microscopic optical cavities, where the photons are trapped in intricate lattice or box potentials. With this experimental platform, we investigate novel topological physics, the interplay of quantum effects and dissipation, and quantum communication.
The QTE department at IMRE drives the development of long term capabilities aimed at the exploitation or quantum phenomena for new concept devices and translatable technologies. In particular, a major drive towards the second generation quantum devices harnessing the prowess of superposition and entanglement is in view. The QTE department also seeks to establish itself as a base for hosting and nurturing quantum scientists and engineers who are adept at translating quantum fundamentals into quantum advantage for industry applications.
We design and grow rare-earth doped crystals in which we aim at controlling optical and spin non-classical states. These materials, produced in the form of bulk and nanostructured single crystals, show extremely long-lived quantum states at low temperatures. This unique property in the solid-state enables us to address a broad range of applications, from quantum information processing and communication, to spectral analysis and medical imaging.