
Research areas include: Quantum circuits & nanomechanics, Complex Quantum Systems, Fullerene Theory, Quantum electronics and ultracold atoms, Physics of Non-Equilibrium, Many-Body Quantum Physics and Quantum Simulation with atoms and molecules, Statistical Models of Complex Systems, Granular and Fluid Dynamics, Modelling THz electronics (with e2v).

QW ("Q-Dub") is a Quantum Computing Theory Group at University of Washington. This group studies many aspects of quantum computing, from ideas about how to build a quantum computer, to the quantum algorithms that will run on these future devices, as well as the greater implications that this intersection of physics and computer science has for both subjects.

Our research consists of several projects that deal with theoretically investigating ideas and concepts of quantum information and quantum engineering in synthetic and naturally occurring quantum systems. Our favourite systems are taken from the area of ultracold atomic gases, but also include solid-state nano-structures, nano-optical devices and even biological systems. Ultracold atomic gases are experimentally very advanced and allow for a high level of control, while at the same time they are often accessible to detailed theoretical treatment.


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