
Laboratory of Quantum Information Processing and Cryptography was founded in Autumn of 2004. Research in Laboratory is aimed especially on information aspects of quantum information processing, in particular quantum cryptography, information theory, quantum communication and algorithms. Theoretical aspects of classical cryptography, especially problems solvable with security that can be proved with help of information theory, are studied as well.

We perform theoretical research in Quantum information, Quantum optics, Quantum complexity, Many-body theory, Cold atoms and Quantum phase transitions.

Head: Prof. F. Illuminati

Marcos Saraceno.

TANDAR Laboratory, CNEA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Permanent Staff:
Marcos Saraceno, Eduardo Vergini, Alejandro Rivas, Maria Elena Spina,
Gabriel Carlo, Leonardo Ermann.

PhD students:
Juan Pedrosa, Lisandro Raviola

The group works on a very broad spectrum of problems, from standard quantum optics, through physics of matter, to quantum information theory, and physics of ultracold atoms.

The quantum part of CNQO consists of Prof Stephen Barnett (FRS), Dr John Jeffers, Dr Daniel Oi and Dr Shashank Virmani. We are part of QUISCO, the quantum information network in Scotland. Recently joining Strathclyde Physics is Stefan Kuhr as the new Professor of Experimental Quantum Information.

Head: Emili Bagan Capella

1. Quantum state estimation.

2. Characterization of entanglement: quantitative and qualitative measures. Detection of entanglement using witness operators. Characterization of entanglement in strongly correlated systems.

3. Bell inequalities and foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

4. Implementations of Quantum Computation and Quantum Algorithms in physical systems: angular momentum of photons. Continous variables systems, microtraps with cold atoms...
Permanent Staff

Lluis Ametller

Emili Bagan

Marià Baig

Head: Artur Ekert
Institution: Centre for Quantum Computation , DAMTP Wilberforce Road Cambridge CB3 0WA, U.K.
E-mail: K.K.Hampson (at)

quantum cryptography, quantum computing, quantum information science, entanglement and nonlocality theory, topological quantum computation, quantum foundations

Permanent Staff
Nilanjana Datta

Artur Ekert
Adrian Kent
Johan Aberg
Dimitris Angelakis
Garry Bowen
Matthias Christandl
Roger Colbeck
Marie Ericsson
Berry Groisman
Lawrence Ioannou
Alastair Kay
Lluis Masanes
Graeme Mitchison

Our research center has a pursuing and vigorous research program in the theory of quantum information and quantum computation. We put emphasis on high-quality training of talented undergraduate and graduate students. RCQI ranks among the top research groups in Slovakia and has established collaborations with numerous research and educational institutions across Europe and North America.

We are working on:
* Quantum programming languages
* Quantum games
* Geometry of quantum states
* Simulations of quantum computing

* Ryszard Winiarczyk (head of the group)
* Jerzy Klamka
* Piotr Gawron
* Jarosław Adam Miszczak
* Zbigniew Puchała
* Krzysztof Domino (post-doc)
* Przemysław Sadowski (PhD student)
* Łukasz Pawela (PhD student)
* Dariusz Kurzyk (PhD student)
* Adam Glos (MSc student)
* Mateusz Ostaszewski (MSc student)


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