
We are a young research group within the Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics at Queen’s University Belfast. We work on quantum information processing, quantum optics, quantum thermodynamics, and the physics of many-body quantum systems. Our interests are many and quite variegate: the group offers a widespread expertise in many topics!

We collaborate with experimentalists and theorists alike: some of us are even able to enter a lab without making any damage! Our international dimension is reflected in the make-up of the team.

Our group is pleased to announce the master’s programme: Quantum Information Technologies The main goal of this programme is to educate and train highly-qualified specialists who will be able to solve complex problems related to the transmission, storage, and processing of data using quantum-information technologies. Furthermore, graduates of the programme will be able to use cutting-edge technologies and directly take part in their development.

Research group on Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information

We are an open research community striving for understanding. We are housed at both the Tecnológico de Monterrey and Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica in México. Our work explores the creation and innovative use of algebraic and numeric methods to study optical systems and develop applications in the classical and quantum regimes.

The "Villum Centre of Excellence for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH)” is a research center hosted by the Department of Mathematical Sciences at University of Copenhagen, focused on contributing to our mathematical understanding of quantum physics with special emphasis on the interplay between quantum matter and quantum information.


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