
1. Quantum Enhanced Technology
- quantum simulators
- quantum enhanced machine learning
- adiabatic vs gate-model algorithms

2. Foundations and Mathematical Methods
- theory of tensor networks
- theory of quantum walks and time symmetry breaking (chiral quantum walks)
- symmetries, invariant theory

Quantum communication networks.

Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland

Research topics:
- Quantum limits to optical interferometric protocols in presence of decoherence
- Fundamental limits to stability of atomic clocks using matrix product operator techniques
- Many-body and non-linear effects in quantum metrology
- Connections between quantum estimation theory and quantum thermodynamics
- Connections between quantum estimation and quantum communication theories
- Multiparameter quantum estimation and quantum imaging

Welcome to the Quantum Many-Body Dynamics group in Natal!

We are a research group working in the field of ultracold quantum matter at the interface of statistical physics, atomic and molecular physics and condensed matter physics.


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