
Our group conducts research on a variety of topics, including many-body quantum systems, thermalization, the concept of entropy, entanglement, quantum batteries, work extraction, quantum metrology and measurement, quantum information processing, and quantum machine learning.

We are currently based at the Institute for Basic Science in South Korea and are in the process of relocating to Charles University in Prague, Czechia.

We are a research group in quantum computing, formally created in 2024 and located in Bordeaux (France). Our members are hosted at LaBRI in Université de Bordeaux. Our areas of research and interest include: Quantum Algorithms and Computational Speedups, Quantum Information and Complexity Theory, Quantum Computing and Fundamental Physics.

Our group focuses in the field of Quantum Information and Quantum Computation. Our research goal is to understand fundamental aspects of quantum entanglement that appear in nature. We have a fairly broad interest in anything quantum. In the past, we have worked on the following topics.

* Topological Order
* Quantum Error Correction
* Quantum Algorithms
* Black-hole information paradox
* Matrix Analysis

These days, our group is primarily focused on these topics.

Sharma's Group is working in theoritical aspects in quantum information

We are working on:
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information Theory
Density Functional Theory (DFT)
Density functionals, machine learning methods, DMRG
Nanostructures, nanomaterials and ultracold atoms
Entanglement, quantum phase transitions, superconductivity

If you are interested in our work, get in touch!

We are a theoretical research group focusing on quantum information theory and its applications in quantum photonics systems. Our vision is to bridge the gap between theoretical quantum information and experimental quantum physics, in particular quantum optics.

The theoretical division of Quantum Algorithms, directed by Prof. Leandro Aolita, is one of the 6 R&D divisions at the Quantum Research Centre (QRC) of the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. TII is a non-profit state-funded organization that aims at becoming a major international hub for Science & Technology (

We are a research group based in Buenos Aires, gathering researchers and students to study quantum logic and quantum structures.

We explore different variants of logical structures underlying quantum theory and look for applications to quantum information science and quantum computing.

Our research activities cover different areas of the field of quantum logic and quantum structures, including quantum probabilities, quantum contextuality, and non-standard set theoretical frameworks.


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