Dear Colleagues,

A call for postdoctoral positions at IFIC (University of Valencia-CSIC) has been opened. The call covers a broad range of possible topics that reflect the research interests of groups at IFIC, including quantum information theory.

Application deadline: December 10, 2022.

Expected starting date: Fall 2023, possibly earlier.

For more information:

With best regards,

Armando Perez


Institution: Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

Project leader: dr Marcin Witkowski

Project title: „Search for new physics with ultracold mixture of Hg and Rb atoms”

We are currently offering two attractive three-year postdoctoral research positions to highly motivated and well-qualified researchers who intend to enhance their career in quantum information science and many-body physics. The successful candidate will work as part of the research group led by Jens Eisert at the FU Berlin.

As part of plans to build on existing strengths, to expand our newly established Virginia Tech Center for Quantum Information Science and Engineering (VTQ), and to align with state-wide investments in data sciences and cybersecurity, the Department of Physics at Virginia Tech ( invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Information Science.

There are several positions for Master and PhD students in the group of “Quantum many-body physics and quantum information in cold atoms” (QMQICA) led by Prof. Dr. Yongchang Zhang at Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China. These positions are funded by Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC Scholarship). Please see more details about the scholarship in the following link:

The nanoelectronics theory groups at Forschungszentrum Juelich and RWTH Aachen are looking for highly motivated candidates to fill a Ph.D. position. The candidate will conduct research on theoretical aspects of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and quantum processors using quantum information theory. Dr. Ansari will supervise the projects and collaborate with leading experimental groups.

For our group at the University of Siegen (Germany) we are looking for a motivated postdoc
in the field of quantum information theory, foundations of quantum theory, and quantum optics.
The group is led by three PIs (Otfried Gühne, Matthias Kleinmann, and Stefan Nimmrichter) and
the research topics include:


Wednesday, December 14, 2022 to Thursday, December 15, 2022

Registration deadline: 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Join us for an exciting two-day workshop with an intense focus on continuous-variable photonic quantum computing in a Christmas-decorated Copenhagen.

The aim of the workshop is to gather a large share of the researchers working on this rather specific topic for engaging talks and discussions. This will hopefully generate new ideas and further advance the prospects of bulding a truly scalable photonic quantum computer. The list of invited speakers include many of the top experts in the field.

We are starting a research program into ultrafast quantum sensing and metrology. We are in particular looking for candidates with a background in quantum and nonlinear optics/quantum sensing/quantum metrology. The project aims to develop ultrafast probe states for doing sensing in regions of the electromagnetic spectrum beyond the visible/near-visible band. The selected candidate will also be jointly advised by Prof. J.E. Sipe from the University of Toronto.


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