The Centre for Quantum Software and Information is recruiting for up to two Postdoctoral Research Associates or Postdoctoral Research Fellows to be involved in a new program analysing the utility of quantum computing for specific problem domains and developing tools to allow for estimating the size of an error corrected quantum computer to implement useful, large-scale algorithms. The position will be based at the centrally located UTS Campus in Ultimo and will report directly to Dr Simon Devitt.

UTS has been granted an exemption under section 126 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1997 (NSW) (ADA) to conduct a targeted recruitment program for Women. For this role, only applications from female candidates will be considered.

Are you passionate about exploring fundamental differences between the quantum and classical realms and working towards the next generation of technology? We are looking for two motivated PhD students to join our team at Griffith University's Quantum Optics and Information Laboratory (QOIL) in sunny Brisbane, Australia. One of the open positions is focused on developing novel photonic resources for quantum computation and communication, while the other position is on exploring nonlocality in quantum networks.

Experimental PhD position (m/f/d, E 13 TV-L) within Research Unit FOR 5413 / University of Tübingen

Cold Rydberg quantum spin systems in optical cavities

The many-body cavity QED group of the Center of Quantum Science at the University of Tübingen is seeking an ambitious PhD student with passion for quantum physics who will work on our cold Rydberg atom / optical cavity experiment.

One postdoctoral scholarship position is available in the group of Jorge Cayao at the Quantum Matter Theory Program at Uppsala University, Sweden.
The group studies different topics in the field of condensed matter theory, including topological matter, non-Hermitian physics, Floquet phases, and odd-frequency superconductivity.

There is 1~2 opening positions for postdoc candidates in the group of “Quantum many-body physics and quantum information in cold atoms” (QMQICA) led by Prof. Dr. Yongchang Zhang at Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China. If you are interested in quantum many-body physics, dipolar cold-atom physics, and quantum information, and would like to pursue exciting research in these areas, please do not hesitate to contact ( for more information about this position. The successful candidate will work with Dr.

As part of the QuantERA consortium "Quantum sensing with nonclassical mechanical oscillators" (ETH, Aalto, ICFO, USN, U. of Malta), the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on the theory of quantum properties of mechanical systems and quantum sensing.

Any previous background in quantum optomechanics, circuit QED, quantum optics or quantum sensing is considered as an advantage, but strong candidates from other fields of physics are encouraged to apply as well.

*****The deadline for applications has been extended to June 3rd*****

Several funded PhD positions are available at Brunel University London Mathematics department across several areas. One possible topic is with me on "Classical Simulation of Quantum Systems".

Advert and application details here:

A preprint giving an indication of the kind of thing my project may involve is here:

The University of South-Eastern Norway has an open position as PhD Research Fellow on the theory of mechanical systems in the quantum regime, and in particular quantum optomechanics.

The employment period will be three years of full time with no teaching obligations. An appointment term of four years with 25 % teaching obligations may be offered to suitable candidates.


Monday, August 15, 2022 to Friday, August 19, 2022

Submission deadline: 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Registration deadline: 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Quantum information and computing is an interdisciplinary research area which seeks to leverage quantum mechanical phenomena for information processing purposes, surpassing the capabilities of conventional technologies. One of the key sources of quantum advantages and speed-ups is the phenomenon of quantum entanglement which allows distant parties to correlate their behaviors beyond conventionally reachable limits. It turns out, however, that entanglement-assisted strategies are hard to understand and their analysis gives rise to complex mathematical problems.


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