We are seeking applicants for experimental PhD positions to work in the area of circuit QED based quantum simulations at the University of Technology Sydney under the supervision of Dr Nathan Langford. Please register interest by emailing Positions will remain open until filled.


A fully funded PhD position in "Quantum thermodynamics beyond the
Markovian regime" is available for a joint project between the School
of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and the Department of
Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, U.K. The work will be
jointly supervised by Profs. Paul Eastham and John Goold in Trinity
College Dublin, in conjunction with Dr. Brendon Lovett in the
University of St Andrews. The successful candidate must hold by the

Job ID: #JOB11/2018

Job Summary: The PhD student will be involved in theoretical studies of quantum self-bound systems of ultracold atoms under supervision of prof. Mariusz Gajda. The research will be supported by (Polish) National Science Center grant `Quantum droplets’.


Trapped Rydberg ions are a novel quantum system. By laser light, the outermost electron of trapped ions is excited to high-lying orbitals. Such Rydberg ions are million times bigger than ions in the ground state, and due to their size, they obtain very peculiar properties. For instance, they have very large transition dipole moments thus become very sensitive to microwave fields.

We invites applications for different positions in experimental or theoretical studies of dark matter detection with optical atomic clocks and in in theoretical/observational inhomogeneous cosmology. The candidate can choose between:


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