Interested in doing a PhD in experimental quantum computing? Come to Sydney and join the circuit QED lab led by A/Prof Nathan Langford to do experimental quantum computing research at the University of Technology Sydney. Full scholarships on offer for international & domestic students (including generous tax-free stipends and tuition fees) through the Sydney Quantum Academy. Final applications due to the Sydney Quantum Academy by Monday October 2!!
Submitted by
mgbukov on Sat, 16/09/2023 - 09:00.
The Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS) offers a PhD position in out-of-equilibrium dynamics at the interface between the fields of active matter and quantum physics.
In this project you will be involved in developing a prototype quantum communication system that will eventually be used to communicate with low earth orbit satellites. The project is currently seeking two experimentally focussed PhD students to participate in this work. You will be involved in the development of optical systems that encode entangled photon pairs, development of transmitters for quantum signalling through free space, and in the development of quantum decoding receivers.
For our group at the University of Siegen (Germany) we are looking for a motivated postdoc and/or PhD student in the field of quantum information theory, foundations of quantum theory, and quantum optics. The group is led by four PIs (Otfried Gühne, Matthias Kleinmann, Stefan Nimmrichter and Ramona Wolf (starting February 2024)) and the research topics include:
Submitted by
aperuzzo on Wed, 06/09/2023 - 03:42.
PhD position in Theoretical Quantum Control
We seek an outstanding & enthusiastic PhD candidate to work on quantum control at the RMIT University node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology. Following our recent success in demonstrating novel techniques for quantum control, this project will extend the current capability by adding new theoretical and numerical methods to improve the state-of-the-art performance of real-world devices.