
Title Application deadline Job type
Computational Quantum Chemist/Biochemist – Technical Manager 20/07/2022 Other
Quantum Computing Scientist/Engineer – Technical Leader 20/07/2022 Other
Lecturer in Industry-Facing Applied Mathematics 12/07/2022 Professorship
Quantum Science Opportunities at Trinity College Dublin: 2 PhD positions, 3 postdoc positions, and MSc degree 01/07/2022 Other, PhD, PostDoc
Postdoctoral fellowship/Research Associate 01/08/2022 PostDoc
Quantum Laboratory Instructor, U. Chicago 01/08/2022 Other
One PhD and two Postdoc positions in Brussels 01/07/2022 PhD, PostDoc
Spin-photon quantum interfaces in hybrid materials 15/06/2022 PostDoc
Quantum Information Theory @ LMU Munich 20/07/2022 PhD, PostDoc
Quantum Computing @ Munich Quantum Valley & LMU 20/07/2022 PhD, PostDoc
PhD position on theoretical physics of Rydberg atoms in cavities (Tuebingen/Germany) 01/07/2022 PhD
Experimental photonic quantum information research in KIST, Seoul, South Korea 31/08/2022 PostDoc
PhD Position Available with Focus in Quantum Cryptography 15/08/2023 PhD
Open Position at MPI-SP and RUB in Quantum/Cryptography (PhD/Postdoc, 100%) 30/06/2022 PhD, PostDoc
Postdoc in theoretical AMO physics 01/12/2022 PostDoc
Quantum sensing of complex 2D materials 30/06/2022 PhD
Quantum Education 15/06/2022 Other
Vacancies in cutting-edge research in quantum technologies (postdocs) 30/06/2022 PostDoc
Research Fellow, Grade 1 / Grade 2 04/07/2022 PostDoc
PhD Fellowships :: Open call in Experimental and Theoretical Quantum Science & Technology 22/08/2022 PhD
