
Title Application deadline Job type
Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Information at Fac. Matemáticas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid 29/11/2010 PostDoc
Atom and Neutron Interferometry Meet Quantum Information Theory 31/01/2011 PostDoc
Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Information and Computation at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid 24/10/2010 PostDoc
PhD Studentship in quantum nano studies at Imperial College London PhD
PhD in Experimental Device-Independent QKD 30/12/2010 PhD
Phd student positions - International PhD Project: Physics of Future Quantum-Based Information Technologies 19/09/2010 PhD
PhD and PostDoc positions available in the AtomChip Lab at Ben-Gurion University 10/12/2010 PostDoc
Postdoctoral position in ultracold quantum gases below sea level in Amsterdam 30/12/2010 PostDoc
Postdoctoral positions in quantum information at the Universite de Sherbrooke 31/10/2010 PostDoc
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Calgary's Institute for Quantum Information Science 31/10/2010 PostDoc
Postdoctoral Recruitment 2011 at the Perimeter Institute 30/03/2011 PostDoc
ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship Programme 29/09/2010 PostDoc
Postdoctoral Position in Quantum Information Theory PostDoc
PostDoc and two PhD positions available at the University of Innsbruck PhD, PostDoc
Post-doctoral Research Associates in Quantum Computing, Quantum Information Theory & Foundations 30/08/2010 PostDoc
Research Fellow in Relativistic Quantum Information 04/08/2010 PostDoc
Postdoctoral research positions (Universidad de Concepción - Chile) 14/09/2010 PostDoc
Postdoctoral research position in quantum optics with atomic ensembles (QOAE) 14/07/2010 PostDoc
Postdoctoral research position in Solid State Quantum Memories (SSQM) 14/07/2010 PostDoc
International PhD Project: Physics of Future Quantum-Based Information Technologies 13/06/2010 PhD
