
The group led by Prof. Radim Filip at Palacky University (http://muj.optol.cz/filip/ [2]) is offering new prestigious positions within the Center of Excellence (for 5 years) for highly creative, open-minded and engaged

- three PhD students
- three junior postdoctoral researchers
- two senior researchers (tenure)

in theoretical physics with quantum non-Gaussian states of bosonic systems (for example, trapped atoms and ions, cavity and wave-guide QED, superconducting circuits, mechanical oscillators, pulsed light, etc.).

Wir suchen Sie zur Unterstützung in der Abteilung „Theoretische Quanten­physik“ im Projekt R‑QIP. In diesem Projekt untersuchen wir Fehlerquellen in Quantenprozessoren und entwickeln entsprechende Gegenmaßnahmen. Unterstützen Sie das Projekt, indem Sie quantenphysikalische Systeme modellieren und Möglichkeiten für die Implementierung von Quantenfehler­korrekturmethoden untersuchen. Als Teil unseres Teams erbringen Sie interdisziplinär angelegte Querschnittsleistungen für die anderen Abteilungen des Instituts und arbeiten eng mit Partnern aus der Industrie zusammen. Profitieren Sie von den Weiterbildungs- und Vernetzungsangeboten im Rahmen der Quantencomputing-Initiative des DLR. Legen Sie mit uns zusammen die Grundlage für die Quantencomputer der nächsten Generation.

Open MSc and PhD positions at the Institute of Physics in the University Federal Fluminense (UFF), Brazil.
The project is in collaboration with Serrapilheira Institute for science and technology.

Research areas:

- Quantum Computing and Information;
- Condensed Matter;
- Quantum Statistical Mechanics;
(more information in the link: https://sites.google.com/view/fernandoieminienglish/research?authuser=0)

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the national aeronautics and space research centre and the space agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. Here, 10,000 employees work together on a unique variety of topics in the fields of aeronautics, space, energy, transport, security and digitalisation. Their missions range from basic research to the development of innovative applications and products for tomorrow. Cutting-edge research requires excellent minds – particularly more females – at all levels, who fully achieve their potential in an inspiring environment. Launch your mission with us.

In the department of Theoretical Quantum Physics, we are looking for a research associate in the group "Quantum Simulations and Applications" to explore the potential of quantum computers for highly relevant and critical application problems in mobility. In the QCMobility project, you will investigate quantum computing applications for the domains of air transport, road transport, rail transport, maritime transport and intermodal transport in an interdisciplinary cooperation between industrial partners and DLR institutes. You will develop customised quantum algorithms and demonstration problems and implement them on the quantum computing hardware at the DLR Innovation Centres in Ulm and Hamburg. Take on a central role in this highly relevant project in cooperation with the project partners involved. Pave the way for new applications in the field of quantum computing and be part of the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative.


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