
Experimental Postdoc position on quantum simulation with dipolar quantum gases of Erbium atoms (Univ. Innsbruck & IQOQI)
In this project you will create dipolar Fermi and Bose gases of Erbium atoms and to use them to study strongly-correlated lattice spin systems and spinor system. Moreover, the newly discover ultra-narrow inner-shell optical transition in Erbium (similar to a clock transition in alkali-earth atoms) will be used to access new regime of control and manipulation for quantum simulation and quantum optics physics.

Quantum Information and Inference laboratory (QI2-lab) led by Jan Kolodynski offers a postdoctoral position within the project C'MON-QSENS! (Continuously Monitored Quantum Sensors: Smart Tools and Applications) funded by QuantERA EU programme. The appointment will be for a two years term, (possibly) renewable for a third year.

Oriol Romero-Isart is inviting applications to fill two PostDocs positions to join our theory team in Innsbruck (Austria), jointly affiliated with the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI)t  of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Postdoc position in theoretical quantum information science is available at the Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies (QOT) at the University of Warsaw. Successful candidate will work in a team of theoretical physicists on one of the following topics:
- Quantum resource theories
- Quantum communication and quantum computation
- Open quantum systems

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on theoretical aspects related to many-body quantum physics with Rydberg atoms. The position is funded through the project ‘Tailored quantum matter for sensing and fundamental physics’ (financed by the Baden-Württemberg foundation).

The project goals are the following:

(i) to theoretically investigate the creation and control of stable collective phenomena in open driven many-body quantum systems on Rydberg quantum simulators.


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