Submitted by
Ferlaino on Sun, 18/04/2021 - 12:07.
Experimental Postdoc position on quantum simulation with dipolar quantum gases of Erbium atoms (Univ. Innsbruck & IQOQI)
In this project you will create dipolar Fermi and Bose gases of Erbium atoms and to use them to study strongly-correlated lattice spin systems and spinor system. Moreover, the newly discover ultra-narrow inner-shell optical transition in Erbium (similar to a clock transition in alkali-earth atoms) will be used to access new regime of control and manipulation for quantum simulation and quantum optics physics.
Submitted by
jankolo on Tue, 13/04/2021 - 23:55.
Quantum Information and Inference laboratory (QI2-lab) led by Jan Kolodynski offers a postdoctoral position within the project C'MON-QSENS! (Continuously Monitored Quantum Sensors: Smart Tools and Applications) funded by QuantERA EU programme. The appointment will be for a two years term, (possibly) renewable for a third year.
Submitted by
Streltsov on Tue, 06/04/2021 - 15:43.
Postdoc position in theoretical quantum information science is available at the Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies (QOT) at the University of Warsaw. Successful candidate will work in a team of theoretical physicists on one of the following topics:
- Quantum resource theories
- Quantum communication and quantum computation
- Open quantum systems
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on theoretical aspects related to many-body quantum physics with Rydberg atoms. The position is funded through the project ‘Tailored quantum matter for sensing and fundamental physics’ (financed by the Baden-Württemberg foundation).
The project goals are the following:
(i) to theoretically investigate the creation and control of stable collective phenomena in open driven many-body quantum systems on Rydberg quantum simulators.