
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Louisiana State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in experimental quantum optics or atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics starting Fall 2018. The faculty in LSU’s Quantum Science and Technology (QST) group include Thomas Corbitt, Jonathan Dowling, Hwang Lee, Ravi Rau, Georgios Veronis, and Mark M. Wilde. The group carries out an active research program in quantum optics theory, as well as the quantum optics experimental activity of Corbitt.

We are seeking experimental physicists with interests in cold atoms and ions, quantum optics, hybrid atomic/condensed matter systems, NV centres, optomechanics, superconducting devices, quantum sensors or related areas, who have a strong research background and the ability to develop an independent research direction related to Quantum Physics/Technology. Applications from early career researchers are encouraged and we will consider an appointment at any level from Assistant to Full Professor, depending on relevant knowledge, skills and experience.

Tenure Track Position
Theoretical Quantum Information Science
University of New Mexico

IST Austria ( invites applications for
In particular in condensed matter physics and photonics, as well as in bio- and soft matter physics
IST Austria is searching for experimentalists, outstanding theoreticians will be considered as well.
We offer:
• Competitive start-up package and salary
• Guaranteed, annual base funding
• Support and benefits for acquiring third party funds

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Macquarie University (MQ) in Sydney Australia is making a substantial investment to grow its research capacity in quantum science and seeks to appoint an outstanding candidate to a continuing position as Lecturer (level B) or Senior Lecturer (level C).


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