
Title Application deadline Job type
Postdoc Positions: Analogue Gravity and Quantum Simulations of Curved Spacetime 30/04/2020 PostDoc
Funded postdoctoral position in a research network on quantum thermodynamics 31/03/2020 PostDoc
Post-doc position on quantum sensing based on adaptive learning 11/03/2020 PostDoc
Postdoc in Quantum Control with Rydberg Atoms 10/04/2020 PostDoc
Post-doc position on spin qubits in silicon carbide 10/03/2020 PostDoc
Assistant Professor, Mathematical Physicsl 16/03/2020 Professorship
PhD Scholarships (Galway) 14/02/2020 PhD
Several PhD positions in quantum information theory 31/12/2020 PhD
Professorship in Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics 22/03/2020 Professorship
Postdoctoral Fellow: Fibre-integrated quantum photonic devices / Programme Stagiaire de recherche postdoctorale – Dispositifs photoniques quantiques intégrant des fibres optiques 18/03/2020 Fellowship, PostDoc
Postdoctoral Fellow, Quantum Frequency translation / Stagiaire de recherche postdoctorale, Translation des fréquences quantiques 18/03/2020 Fellowship, PostDoc
Two postdoctoral position at QSTAR CNR-INO Florence (Italy) 28/02/2020 PostDoc
Postdoc position in open quantum many-body systems 14/02/2020 PostDoc
Mathematical methods for quantum information and quantum control technologies 14/02/2021 PostDoc
Research Associate in Applications and Architecture of Quantum Computers 17/02/2020 PostDoc
Research Associate in quantum simulation for new quantum materials at Imperial College, London 17/02/2020 PostDoc
Researcher Permanent Position in Theory of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information 31/03/2020 PostDoc, Professorship
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Near-Term Quantum Advantage in Tensor Network-Inspired Machine Learning at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences 02/03/2020 PostDoc
Postdoc position in quantum computation (CPT PAS) 14/02/2020 PostDoc
Postdoctoral Research Position in Quantum Information Theory at Brookhaven National Laboratory PostDoc
