
Titlesort ascending Application deadline Job type
PhD in experimental quantum simulation with Rydberg atoms in Strasbourg, France 30/04/2021 PhD
PhD in Experimental Device-Independent QKD 30/12/2010 PhD
PhD in Electrical control of probabilistic bits in chiral molecules (INPhINIT fellowship) 27/01/2022 Fellowship, PhD
PhD in Diamond Quantum Technologies 01/05/2023 PhD
PhD in cold atom theory at IF PAN, Warsaw, Poland 31/05/2018 PhD
PhD in coherent energy transport and molecular spin qubits 25/09/2017 PhD
PhD in Circuit compilers for near-term quantum computers 01/03/2019 PhD
PhD in algebraic quantum algorithms at Leiden University 02/04/2024 PhD
PhD grant on the multi-scale modeling of materials and devices for quantum computing 30/05/2021 PhD
PhD Funding 15/02/2019 PhD
PhD Fellowships in Quantum Theory and Machine Learning Fellowship, PhD
PhD Fellowships in Quantum Science and Technology Vienna 08/01/2024 PhD
PhD Fellowships in Quantum Science and Technology 08/01/2023 PhD
PhD Fellowships in Quantum Science and Technology 28/03/2019 Fellowship, PhD
PhD Fellowships in Quantum Science & Technology 07/01/2022 Fellowship, PhD
PhD Fellowships in Quantum Information at The University of Hong Kong (academic year 2020/2021) 31/08/2019 PhD
PhD Fellowships in Experimental and Theoretical Quantum Science and Technology 30/08/2021 PhD
PhD Fellowships :: Open call in Experimental and Theoretical Quantum Science & Technology 22/08/2022 PhD
PhD Fellowships (14 different groups/projects) 05/04/2019 Fellowship, Other, PhD
PhD Fellowships 21/11/2015 PhD
