
Title Application deadlinesort ascending Job type
Tenure Track Position in Quantum Computing (open rank) Professorship
Advertisement for faculty positions at CQuERE, TCG CREST, Kolkata (India) Professorship
Post-doctoral and student fellowships in Atomic Physics at Ben-Gurion University, Israel PostDoc
PhD and postdoctoral positions in non-equilibrium quantum many-body theory (Mainz) PhD, PostDoc
Quantum Information and Computer Science Other
Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Communication System PhD
Postdoctoral position in the Quantum Information Group Télécom ParisTech ­- CNRS PostDoc
Chair in Theoretical Quantum Optics / Quantum Information Science Professorship
PhD positions in non-equilibrium quantum many body theory PhD
Post-doctoral fellowships at the Institute for Quantum Computing PostDoc
Postdoctoral Fellowships, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), Theoretical Quantum Optics/Photonics PostDoc
Ph.D. position in theoretical quantum computing at Virginia Commonwealth University PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher (Theory of Controlled Quantum Systems) at Trinity College Dublin PostDoc
PhD Scholaships in experimental physics (ultracold atom physics) PhD
Postdoc in Quantum Control with Rydberg Atoms PostDoc
Experimental Quantum Engineer Other
Hearne Chair for Theoretical Physics at Louisiana State University Professorship
Position in the area of quantum programming/performance of quantum programmes PostDoc
Postdoctoral Fellowships: Quantum Engineering and Ultracold Atoms - University College Cork, Ireland PostDoc
Postdoctoral Researcher PostDoc
