
Title Application deadline Job type
Chicago Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship in Theoretical Quantum Science 20/01/2020 Fellowship, PostDoc
PhD Scholarship - Quantum Communications, UNSW Sydney, Australia 31/01/2020 PhD
Postdoctoral position on the quantum information structure of spacetime at ULB 30/12/2019 PostDoc
Optical Communication Engineer PhD, PostDoc
PhD position in Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Information (Geneva) PhD
Postdoctoral positions in theoretical quantum cryptography and communications 04/12/2020 PostDoc
Chair in Experimental Quantum Communications 19/01/2020 Professorship
Open Postdoc Fellowships at the Erwin Schrödinger Centre for Quantum Science and Technology (ESQ) 31/01/2020 Fellowship, PostDoc
PhD & Postdoc Position in Quantum Information Theory (Siegen/Germany) 20/12/2019 PhD, PostDoc
Postdoc on Real-Time Quantum Sensors (theory). 01/07/2020 PostDoc
Group leader in Coherent Microoptics and Microwave Photonics 15/01/2020 Professorship
Quantum dynamics of impurities with long-range impurity-bath interactions 31/12/2019 PhD
Become part of the Vienna Quantum Research Community - CoQuS! 06/01/2020 PhD
Postdoctoral research fellow (Short-Range Quantum Connections) 31/12/2019 PostDoc
Postdoctoral research fellow (Autonomous Quantum Coherence and Thermodynamics) 31/12/2019 PostDoc
Postdoctoral research fellow (Quantum Physics) 31/12/2019 PostDoc
Postdoc position on Quantum Information with interface with Condensed Matter, Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics in Niterói, RJ-Brazil 31/12/2020 PostDoc
Two Postdoc positions for applications of machine learning in quantum information technologies 25/12/2019 PostDoc
Oxford Postdoc in Quantum Theory for Early Quantum Computers 29/11/2019 PostDoc
Assistant Professor - Quantum Information, University of Toronto 22/01/2020 Professorship
